Monday, July 16, 2007

Mexican Parking

Do yourself a favour and check out the pics below very carefuly. There is a bloody MOTOR SCOOTER in the BACK SEAT of a fucking neon green Volkswagen "Thing". That just about sums up the Mexican view on vehicle and traffic laws. I also forgot to mention that every 12 yards there is a shady dude trying to rent you a scooter. No license, no problem. Never ridden a scooter? Es mas "easy" amigo.... Mexicans also drive like they are fleeing the zombie apocolypse. They go fast, they stop for nothing, and they wouldn't think twice about mowing down your tourist ass...

1 comment:

lizzieb said...

I'm dying. That's hysterical Bloody motor scooter in the trunk? Apparently the Mexicans and the Singaporeans are closely related, because I swear to God I've seen that before in a back alley on the island we call Disneyland with the death penalty.

Look both ways when you cross the street, man.